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Election in India: EVM-VVPATs and Advantages-Ballot System and its Demerits-Postal Voting Rights for NRIs,OCIs and its Advantages

 Election is a Basic Tenet of a Democracy and Voting is the Means to Achieve it

Universal Adult Franchise was given without any opposition at time of Constitution Making. This means without Discriminating people on the basis of Wealth, Income, Gender, Social Status, Race, Ethnicity, he/she can Vote and Participate in the Election process.

Advantages of Universal Adult Franchise are

-Broad based Democracy

-Enhanced Self Respect

-Uphold the Principle of Equality

In 1989, 61st Constitutional Amendment Act of 1988 had reduced the age of Voting Right from 21 Years to 18 Years.

Ballot System of Voting:

Till the Year 1982, Almost every Election in the country starting from Local Bodies/Municipality, Legislative Assembly Constituency, Parliamentary Constituency Election was done by using Ballot System. Actually in this System Voter cast their Vote in a piece of Paper(called Ballot) in a secret manner then he/she will drop the Paper in the Ballot Box.


-Huge number of Invalid Cast Votes

-Time consuming and Lengthy Counting

-Delayed Result Declaration and there were chances of Political Manoeuvring  of Results.

To remove these structural and genuine problems Election Commission of India Decided to introduce Electronic Voting Machine(EVM).

To enhance the look
EVM and Benefits:

These Machine is totally Electronic with Constituents Parts include Control Unit and Balloting Unit. The Name and Symbol of Candidates are shown in Balloting Unit. Every Voter have to Push the Button next to the Name and Symbol of the Contesting Candidates.

In 1989, Parliament Amended the Representation of People Act of 1951 to create the Platform for the use of EVM in the Elections. But a General Consensus of its Introduction could be reached only in 1998. In 1982, First Time EVMs were used in the General Election of Kerala but Supreme Court had Struck Down the Whole Election on the Ground of Absence of any Law to Implement it.

Later EVMs started showing Credibility and Promising Results in Many State Legislative Assembly Elections. By taking Cognisance of it Election Commission of India(ECI) Proceeded Further to use these Machine in Lok Sabha Election and Finally in 2004, EVMs were used for the entire Parliamentary Constituency Seats(543). 


-Fast and Accurate




-Quick Results

What made the Election Commission of India to Use VVPATs ?

There was huge Outcry with a Perception related to Malfunctioning of EVMs. Many Political Leaders started raising questions about the working of Machines, they claimed that Majority of Valid Votes polled are shifting towards a Single Political Party.

To remove the Anomaly and Confusion ECI in 2014, Introduced a New Machine called VVPAT(Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail) Connected with every single EVMs.

Working of VVPATs

It is a kind of Printer which is Independent and attached with EVMs that allow the Voters to Verify that their Votes are Registered as they have Intended. As the Voter Push the Button in the EVM a Beep Sound will be generated and subsequently VVPAT Machine will generate a slip with the Name and Symbol of the Candidate. The slip will only visible for 7 seconds to the voter and later automatically dropped into a separate box.

To enhance the look
Postal Voting Rights for NRIs and OCIs:

ECI made a Proposal to Extend the Facility of Postal Ballots to Eligible NRIs(Non Resident of India) and OCIs(Overseas Citizen of India). This will required Amendments in 'Conduct of Election Rules,1961'. In this system Postal Ballot will be sent Electronically  to the Eligible Voters and in return it will come via Post. United States of America(USA) already used this system of voting in Last Presidential General Election.

What is the Situation till Today?

Before 2010, NRIs and OCIs who had Stayed Outside India for atleast 6 Months were Ineligible to Vote. But after Passing of Reprentation of People(Amendment) Act,2010, Eligible NRIs and OCIs can Vote but it was in Person i.e; Person should be Present at the Polling Booth of their Constituency.

Conduct of Election Rules,1961 was Amended in 2016 to allow Service Voters to use the Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System.

After Recognition of this Matter Parliament in 2017, Enacted a Bill which had Provisions For OCIs and NRIs to Appoint a Proxy to Cast their Vote on their Behalf but the Bill was Lapsed due to Dissolution of Lok Sabha.

Way Ahead:

-It should be Launched for Pilot Basis.

-With increasing number of movement, it will Increase the Voter Turnout.

-Since it is Secure and Easy must be extend to All NRIs and OCIs which will help to increase sense of attachment among Indian Diaspora.

-It will be very helpful during Natural Crisis such as Pandemic, Natural Disasters, or even for Civil War like situations.


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