Recently, CM of West Bengal Mamta Banerjee has promised in her manifesto promising doorstep ration delivery in every corner of the State. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal too has promised such move. Let's not go into the technicality of their approaches but only limit ourselves to this New and innovative approach to make this amazing idea into reality. In this blog we'll going to have an New and Innovative idea to distribute the dry food grain(DFGs) at doorstep, Employment for local people ranging from illiterate to literate, Machines to be used, and many more things.. Following things may need to realize this new approach: -Jute/Plastic bag lebelled with Bar Code. -Packing Company, since bags to be packed may be in very huge number. -Govt issued bar-coded ration card, each card should have information, like Name of breadwinner, number of family members, quantity of dry food grains(DFGs) to be received by the beneficiary etc. -Bar code reading machine, this machine should read and ...