India is endowed with lot of great Natural Scenic Places, which have huge potential of tourism and earning for Local People. Corona virus led Pandemic has locked millions of people into their respective homes. Taking the cognizance of this issue, Govt all across the World are trying to promote Tourism. In India, this sector has huge scope of Employment and earnings, with the creation of many allied employment opportunities such as Hotels, Transportation, Guide etc, those who are attached with it, are even more enthusiastic. In this Blog you may going to encounter with a New and Upgraded Wooden Ice Sledging Cart, this Cart may be used in less developed tourists spots of UT/State of Jammu & Kashmir(J&K), Leh-Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh.
Due to Terrorism and Militant activities in UT of J&K, ice sledging is yet to see its fullest in the form of Employment and Earning. People, from rest of the Country feel hesitant to visit such Tourists spot due to fear of loss of life. It is not the universal truth, many living adjoining states and within state loves to visit these spots.
Existing Wooden Cart |
What's the need for upgradation:
The Conventional Wooden Cart, basically made of Wooden Plywood and having capacity to accommodate up to 3 persons for sledging, have issues like poor control and maneuverability during the usage. Actually, Tourists have to put extra pressure from their feet to move the Cart either Right or Left or to Stop while declining on the slope. It was reveled that, Sometimes Tourists are not able to stop the cart at all due to high speed and steep declining slopes.
Isometric View
Plus points of New and Upgraded Wooden Cart:
This upgraded Cart have a circular handle with attached curved metal plate, the metal plate may help to provide greater maneuverability and control. Let me explain it in detail, actually the basic structural design of this cart is very much similar to the conventional cart. Basically, the handle installed in the cart is to give the whole system a movement towards either Right or Left direction as the situation needs to be. This facility of making right-left movement is not available in the conventional carts. Now, the best part of this upgraded cart, when the rider wants to stop the cart, he/she has to turn the circular wheel nearly 90 degrees of the initial position, this will trigger an adequate resistance in the moving position of the cart due to storage of ice in front of the curved metal plate. let me describe it more elaborately, the whole purpose of installing this curved metal plate is to provide resisting force when we require to stop the cart, this resisting force may come into the picture when the metal plate stores bulk of ice in front of it. since Newton's second law applies here. To know more on this... please visit the YouTube link-
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