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11th physics cbse sample paper 2022-23

 General Instructions:

(1) There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory

(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory.

(3) Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven questions of two marks each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each, section D contains three long questions of five marks each and Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.

(4) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D and E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.

5. Use of calculators is not allowed.


1.      There are two Vernier Callipers both of which have 1 cm divided into 10 equal divisions on the main scale as shown in fig.

The measure values (in cm) by calliper C1 and C2, respectively are

a.       2.87 and 2.86                                b.  2.85 and 2.82

C    2.87 and 2.87                                d. 2.87 and 2.83

2.      The equation of state for a real gas is given by

                                (P + a/V2)(V – b) = RT

The dimensions of the constant ‘a’ are

a.       [ML5T-2]                                      b. [M-1L5T2]

C   [ML-5T-1]                                     d.  [ML5T-1]

3.      A body starts from rest at time t = 0, the acceleration – time graph is shown in fig. The maximum velocity attained by the body will be –

a.       110 m/s                                       b. 55 m/s

C   650 m/s                                       d. 550 m/s

4.      A car travels from A to B at a speed of 20 Km/h and returns at a speed of 30 Km/h. The average speed of the car for the whole journey is

a.       5 km/h                                        b. 24 km/h

C    25 km/h                                      d. 50 km/h

5.      Which of the following statement is false for a particle moving in a circle with a constant angular speed?

a.       The velocity vector is tangent to the circle.

b.      The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle.

c.       The acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle.

d.      The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendiculars to each other.

6.      A displacement vector is a

a.       Change in position                          b. Velocity

C    Scalar                                              d. Distance without direction

7.      The angle between the two vectors

 A = 3i + 4j + 5k and  B = 3i + 4j – 5k  will be

a.       900                                                 b. 1800

C    00                                                  d. 450

8.      A body of mass ‘m’ is placed on a rough surface with coefficient of friction µ inclined at an angle ϴ. If the mass is in equilibrium, then,

a.       tanϴ = µ                                        b. tanϴ = 1/µ

c    tan ϴ = m/µ                                   d. tanϴ = µ/m

9.      A marble block of mass 2 kg lying on ice when given a velocity of 6 m/s is stopped by friction in 10 sec. Then the Coefficient of friction is

a.       0.01                                               b. 0.02

C   0.03                                               d. 0.06

10.  A man fires a bullet of mass 200 g at a speed of 5 m/s. The gun is of the one Kg mass. By what velocity the gun rebounds backwards?

a.       1 m/s                                             b. 0.01 m/s

C  0.1 m/s                                           d. 10 m/s

11.  A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with a velocity of 36 Km/h. The Centripetal force is

a.       1000 N                                         b. 750 N

C   250 N                                           d. 1200 N

12.  What is F.S ?

a.       Torque                                          b. Impulse

C.  Momentum                                            d. Work

13. When a spring is stretched by 2 cm, it stores 100 J of energy. If it is stretched further by 2 cm, the stored energy will be increased to

      a. 100 J                                                     b. 200 J

      c. 300 J                                                     d. 400 J

14. A shell, in flight, explodes into four unequal parts. Which of the following is conserved?

      a. Potential energy                                 b. Momentum

      c. Kinetic Energy                                    d. Both (a), (c)

15. Three identical metal balls, each of the radius ‘r’ are placed touching each other on a horizontal surface such that an equilateral triangle is formed when centres of three balls are joined. The centre of the mass of the system is located at

a. Line joining centres of any two balls       b. Centre of one of the balls.

c. Horizontal surface

d. Point of intersection of the medians.

16. An automobile engine develops 100 Kw when rotating at a speed of 1800 rev/min. What torque does it deliver?

a. 350 N.m                           b. 531 N.m

c. 440 N.m                           d. 628 N.m   

17. In an elastic collision,

a. Both momentum and KE are conserved.

b. Both momentum and KE are not conserved.

c. Only energy is conserved.

d. Only momentum is conserved

18. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius ‘a’ under the action of an attractive potential energy U = - K/(2r2). Its total energy is

a. – K/(4a2)                              b. K/(2a2)  

c.   0                                         d. – 3K/(2a2)        


19.  State and prove Work – Energy theorem for constant force?

20. A circular race track of radius 300 m is banked at an angle of 300. If the coefficient of friction between the wheels and a race car and the road is 0.2, What is the

a. Optimum speed of the race car to avoid wear and tear on its tyres.

b. Maximum permissible speed to avoid slipping?

21. A body is projected with velocity of 40 m/s. After 2 seconds it crosses a vertical pole of height 20.4 m. Calculate the angle of projection and horizontal range.


Find the centre of mass of a uniform L- shaped lamina ( a thin flat plate) with dimensions as shown in fig. The mass of the lamina is 3 kg.

22. The velocity- time graph of an object moving along a straight line as shown in fig.

Calculate the distance covered by object between –

a.       t = 0 to t = 5 sec

b.      t = 0 to t = 10 sec

23. The period of oscillation of simple pendulum is T = 2π(L/g)1/2. Measured value of L is 20 cm known to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 seconds using a wrist watch of 1 second resolution. What is the accuracy in the determination of ‘g’?


Find the torque of a force 7i – 3j – 5k about the origin which acts on a particle whose position vector is i + j – k.

24. A wooden block of mass 2 kg rest on a soft horizontal floor. When an iron cylinder of mass 25 kg is placed on the block, the floor yields steadily and the block and the cylinder together go down with an acceleration of 0.1 m/s2. What is the action of the block on the floor

a. Before

b. After the floor yields.

25. An insect trapped in a circular groove of radius 12 cm, moves along the groove steadily and completes 7 revolutions in 100 seconds.

a. What is the angular speed and the linear speed of the motion?

b. What is the magnitude of the acceleration.


26. The frequency ‘υ’ of vibration of a stretched string depends upon-

1. Its Length ‘l’

2. Its mass per unit length ‘m’

3. The tension T in the string.

Obtain dimensionally an expression for the frequency ‘υ’.

27. As soon as a car just starts from rest in a certain direction, a scooter moving with a uniform speed overtakes the car. Their velocity – time graph are shown in fig.


a.       The difference between the distances travelled by the car and the scooter in 15 seconds.

b.      The time when the car will catch up the scooter.

c.       The distance of car and scooter from the starting point at that instant.

28. Two vectors A and B are inclined to each other at an angle ϴ. Using parallelogram law of vector addition, find the magnitude and direction of their resultant.


Show that the centre of mass of a uniform rod of mass ‘M’ and length ‘L’ lies at the middle point of the rod.

29. A bullet of mass 0.01 kg is fired horizontally into a 4 kg wooden block at rest on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of the kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The bullet gets embedded in the block and the combination moves 20 m before coming to rest. With what speed did the bullet strike the block?


The angular speed of a motor wheel is increased from 1200 rpm to 3120 rpm in 16 seconds.

a.       What is its angular acceleration, assuming the acceleration to be uniform.

b.      How many revolutions does the wheel make during this time?


Text Box: C30. In the given fig. of motion in vertical circle having

radius R, a spherical Text Box: Abob of mass ‘m’ is connected at the

end of the thread, it is observed that it is just able to

Text Box: Bcomplete the circle.


a.       Velocity at point A

b.      Velocity at point B

c.       Velocity at point C




31. (1). Derive the relation for the final velocity of two objects having masses m1 and m2 with initial velocity u1 and u2.

(2). Two balls bearings of mass ‘m’ each moving in opposite directions with equal speeds ‘v’ collide head on with each other. Predict the outcome of the collision assuming it to be perfectly elastic.


A ball moving on a horizontal frictionless plane hits an identical ball at rest with a velocity of 0.5 m/s. If the collision is elastic, Calculate the speed imparted to the target ball if the speed of the projectile after the collision is 30 cm/s. Show that the two balls will move at right angles to each other after the collision.

32. (1). Write all three definitions of conservative forces?

(2). What do you mean by Inertia. Demonstrate it with the help of Galileo’s Experiment.


A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane. Its mass is 2 kg and radius 0.1 m. If the height of the inclined plane is 4 m, What is its rotational Kinetic Energy when it reaches the foot of the plane?

33. A body of mass 0.3 kg is taken up an inclined plane to length 10 m and height 5 m, and then allowed to slide down to the bottom again. The Coefficient of friction between the body and the plane is 0.15. What is the-

a. Work done by the gravitational force over the round trip.

b. Work done by the applied force over the upward journey.

c. Work done by frictional force over the round trip.

d. Kinetic energy of the body at the end of the trip?


34. Case Study:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Newton’s Second Law-

It states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the external force applied on the body and the change takes place in the direction of the applied force.

This law can be divided into two parts:

1.      The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the applied force. The larger the force acting on a body, greater is the change in its momentum.

2.      The Change of momentum occurs in the direction of the force.

Q1. Derive the relation F = m.a

Q2. Is force a scalar or vector quantity? Write its dimensional formula.

Q3. A car of mass 1000kg is acted upon by a forward force of 1000 N due to engine and retarding force of 500 N due to friction. What will be the acceleration?

35. Case Study:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Nature of the work-

Positive work- If a force acting on a body has a component in the direction of the displacement, then the work done by the force is positive.

Negative work- If a force acting on a body has a component in the opposite direction of displacement, the work done is negative.

Zero work- Work done by force is zero if the body gets diplaced along a direction perpendicular to the direction of the applied force. Also, the work done is zero if F or S or both are zero.

Q1. Write the dimensional formula of work.

Q2. What is the SI unit of the Work done?

Q3. What is the work done by a person in carrying a suitcase weighing 10 kg f on his head when he travels a distance of 5 m in the vertical direction? (take g=9.8 m/s2

General Instructions:

(1) There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory

(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory.

(3) Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven questions of two marks each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each, section D contains three long questions of five marks each and Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.

(4) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D and E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.

5. Use of calculators is not allowed.


1.      There are two Vernier Callipers both of which have 1 cm divided into 10 equal divisions on the main scale as shown in fig.

The measure values (in cm) by calliper C1 and C2, respectively are

a.       2.87 and 2.86                                b.  2.85 and 2.82

C    2.87 and 2.87                                d. 2.87 and 2.83

2.      The equation of state for a real gas is given by

                                (P + a/V2)(V – b) = RT

The dimensions of the constant ‘a’ are

a.       [ML5T-2]                                      b. [M-1L5T2]

C   [ML-5T-1]                                     d.  [ML5T-1]

3.      A body starts from rest at time t = 0, the acceleration – time graph is shown in fig. The maximum velocity attained by the body will be –

a.       110 m/s                                       b. 55 m/s

C   650 m/s                                       d. 550 m/s

4.      A car travels from A to B at a speed of 20 Km/h and returns at a speed of 30 Km/h. The average speed of the car for the whole journey is

a.       5 km/h                                        b. 24 km/h

C    25 km/h                                      d. 50 km/h

5.      Which of the following statement is false for a particle moving in a circle with a constant angular speed?

a.       The velocity vector is tangent to the circle.

b.      The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle.

c.       The acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle.

d.      The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendiculars to each other.

6.      A displacement vector is a

a.       Change in position                          b. Velocity

C    Scalar                                              d. Distance without direction

7.      The angle between the two vectors

 A = 3i + 4j + 5k and  B = 3i + 4j – 5k  will be

a.       900                                                 b. 1800

C    00                                                  d. 450

8.      A body of mass ‘m’ is placed on a rough surface with coefficient of friction µ inclined at an angle ϴ. If the mass is in equilibrium, then,

a.       tanϴ = µ                                        b. tanϴ = 1/µ

c    tan ϴ = m/µ                                   d. tanϴ = µ/m

9.      A marble block of mass 2 kg lying on ice when given a velocity of 6 m/s is stopped by friction in 10 sec. Then the Coefficient of friction is

a.       0.01                                               b. 0.02

C   0.03                                               d. 0.06

10.  A man fires a bullet of mass 200 g at a speed of 5 m/s. The gun is of the one Kg mass. By what velocity the gun rebounds backwards?

a.       1 m/s                                             b. 0.01 m/s

C  0.1 m/s                                           d. 10 m/s

11.  A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with a velocity of 36 Km/h. The Centripetal force is

a.       1000 N                                         b. 750 N

C   250 N                                           d. 1200 N

12.  What is F.S ?

a.       Torque                                          b. Impulse

C.  Momentum                                            d. Work

13. When a spring is stretched by 2 cm, it stores 100 J of energy. If it is stretched further by 2 cm, the stored energy will be increased to

      a. 100 J                                                     b. 200 J

      c. 300 J                                                     d. 400 J

14. A shell, in flight, explodes into four unequal parts. Which of the following is conserved?

      a. Potential energy                                 b. Momentum

      c. Kinetic Energy                                    d. Both (a), (c)

15. Three identical metal balls, each of the radius ‘r’ are placed touching each other on a horizontal surface such that an equilateral triangle is formed when centres of three balls are joined. The centre of the mass of the system is located at

a. Line joining centres of any two balls       b. Centre of one of the balls.

c. Horizontal surface

d. Point of intersection of the medians.

16. An automobile engine develops 100 Kw when rotating at a speed of 1800 rev/min. What torque does it deliver?

a. 350 N.m                           b. 531 N.m

c. 440 N.m                           d. 628 N.m   

17. In an elastic collision,

a. Both momentum and KE are conserved.

b. Both momentum and KE are not conserved.

c. Only energy is conserved.

d. Only momentum is conserved

18. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius ‘a’ under the action of an attractive potential energy U = - K/(2r2). Its total energy is

a. – K/(4a2)                              b. K/(2a2)  

c.   0                                         d. – 3K/(2a2)        


19.  State and prove Work – Energy theorem for constant force?

20. A circular race track of radius 300 m is banked at an angle of 300. If the coefficient of friction between the wheels and a race car and the road is 0.2, What is the

a. Optimum speed of the race car to avoid wear and tear on its tyres.

b. Maximum permissible speed to avoid slipping?

21. A body is projected with velocity of 40 m/s. After 2 seconds it crosses a vertical pole of height 20.4 m. Calculate the angle of projection and horizontal range.


Find the centre of mass of a uniform L- shaped lamina ( a thin flat plate) with dimensions as shown in fig. The mass of the lamina is 3 kg.

22. The velocity- time graph of an object moving along a straight line as shown in fig.

Calculate the distance covered by object between –

a.       t = 0 to t = 5 sec

b.      t = 0 to t = 10 sec

23. The period of oscillation of simple pendulum is T = 2π(L/g)1/2. Measured value of L is 20 cm known to 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90 seconds using a wrist watch of 1 second resolution. What is the accuracy in the determination of ‘g’?


Find the torque of a force 7i – 3j – 5k about the origin which acts on a particle whose position vector is i + j – k.

24. A wooden block of mass 2 kg rest on a soft horizontal floor. When an iron cylinder of mass 25 kg is placed on the block, the floor yields steadily and the block and the cylinder together go down with an acceleration of 0.1 m/s2. What is the action of the block on the floor

a. Before

b. After the floor yields.

25. An insect trapped in a circular groove of radius 12 cm, moves along the groove steadily and completes 7 revolutions in 100 seconds.

a. What is the angular speed and the linear speed of the motion?

b. What is the magnitude of the acceleration.


26. The frequency ‘υ’ of vibration of a stretched string depends upon-

1. Its Length ‘l’

2. Its mass per unit length ‘m’

3. The tension T in the string.

Obtain dimensionally an expression for the frequency ‘υ’.

27. As soon as a car just starts from rest in a certain direction, a scooter moving with a uniform speed overtakes the car. Their velocity – time graph are shown in fig.


a.       The difference between the distances travelled by the car and the scooter in 15 seconds.

b.      The time when the car will catch up the scooter.

c.       The distance of car and scooter from the starting point at that instant.

28. Two vectors A and B are inclined to each other at an angle ϴ. Using parallelogram law of vector addition, find the magnitude and direction of their resultant.


Show that the centre of mass of a uniform rod of mass ‘M’ and length ‘L’ lies at the middle point of the rod.

29. A bullet of mass 0.01 kg is fired horizontally into a 4 kg wooden block at rest on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of the kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The bullet gets embedded in the block and the combination moves 20 m before coming to rest. With what speed did the bullet strike the block?


The angular speed of a motor wheel is increased from 1200 rpm to 3120 rpm in 16 seconds.

a.       What is its angular acceleration, assuming the acceleration to be uniform.

b.      How many revolutions does the wheel make during this time?


Text Box: C30. In the given fig. of motion in vertical circle having

radius R, a spherical Text Box: Abob of mass ‘m’ is connected at the

end of the thread, it is observed that it is just able to

Text Box: Bcomplete the circle.


a.       Velocity at point A

b.      Velocity at point B

c.       Velocity at point C




31. (1). Derive the relation for the final velocity of two objects having masses m1 and m2 with initial velocity u1 and u2.

(2). Two balls bearings of mass ‘m’ each moving in opposite directions with equal speeds ‘v’ collide head on with each other. Predict the outcome of the collision assuming it to be perfectly elastic.


A ball moving on a horizontal frictionless plane hits an identical ball at rest with a velocity of 0.5 m/s. If the collision is elastic, Calculate the speed imparted to the target ball if the speed of the projectile after the collision is 30 cm/s. Show that the two balls will move at right angles to each other after the collision.

32. (1). Write all three definitions of conservative forces?

(2). What do you mean by Inertia. Demonstrate it with the help of Galileo’s Experiment.


A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane. Its mass is 2 kg and radius 0.1 m. If the height of the inclined plane is 4 m, What is its rotational Kinetic Energy when it reaches the foot of the plane?

33. A body of mass 0.3 kg is taken up an inclined plane to length 10 m and height 5 m, and then allowed to slide down to the bottom again. The Coefficient of friction between the body and the plane is 0.15. What is the-

a. Work done by the gravitational force over the round trip.

b. Work done by the applied force over the upward journey.

c. Work done by frictional force over the round trip.

d. Kinetic energy of the body at the end of the trip?


34. Case Study:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Newton’s Second Law-

It states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the external force applied on the body and the change takes place in the direction of the applied force.

This law can be divided into two parts:

1.      The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the applied force. The larger the force acting on a body, greater is the change in its momentum.

2.      The Change of momentum occurs in the direction of the force.

Q1. Derive the relation F = m.a

Q2. Is force a scalar or vector quantity? Write its dimensional formula.

Q3. A car of mass 1000kg is acted upon by a forward force of 1000 N due to engine and retarding force of 500 N due to friction. What will be the acceleration?

35. Case Study:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Nature of the work-

Positive work- If a force acting on a body has a component in the direction of the displacement, then the work done by the force is positive.

Negative work- If a force acting on a body has a component in the opposite direction of displacement, the work done is negative.

Zero work- Work done by force is zero if the body gets diplaced along a direction perpendicular to the direction of the applied force. Also, the work done is zero if F or S or both are zero.

Q1. Write the dimensional formula of work.

Q2. What is the SI unit of the Work done?

Q3. What is the work done by a person in carrying a suitcase weighing 10 kg f on his head when he travels a distance of 5 m in the vertical direction? (take g=9.8 m/s2)


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